Utilities Management
A secure, steamlined platform that optimises your utilities contracts in real time
Now that your energy, gas and hot water contracts are in place, we ensure you get the most out of them.
Our Utilities Management Portal helps you minimise money, time and risk
Edge Live gives you instant access to all the information you need to get the most out of your utilities bills. You’ll save time on reconciling bills and make more informed decisions about your utilities costs.
Personal support from a team of professionals
Whether you have one site or many, our experts will help you navigate the complex utilities markets so you can concentrate on running your business. Our transparent information and regular advice means you’ll continue to get the best possible value from your utilities contracts.

Edge Live gives you everything at your fingertips
Edge Live is a secure, cloud-based platform that gives you instant access to all the information you need to make better business decisions. Even if you’re already under contract, you can still access Edge Live.
Instantly view consumption
and costs
Interactive dashboards give you an easy-to-understand snapshot of your consumption and costs by utility, site or specific criteria.
Quickly find your contracts and agreements
Registered users in your business can access all your contracts and agreements in one central and secure location.
All your portfolio information together in one place
Easily access your site particulars and utilities details, including National Metering Identifiers, tariffs, loss factors, counterparties, metering and pricing data.
Reports and invoices securely stored in the cloud
Every invoice and usage report can be securely accessed in Edge Live, so you’re kept up-to-date and informed.
Fast access to data for quick decision making
View 30-minute consumption or generation data in just one click to give you the power to immediately turn information into business insights.
Save valuable time on reconciliations
We’ll efficiently handle all your queries and reconciliation queries, dealing directly with your utilities providers on your behalf.