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AEMO’s MLF assessment reveals solar and wind farms as big losers

Solar Panel

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) recently released its final Marginal Loss Factors (MLFs) assessment, highlighting solar and wind farms as the big losers. The MLFs determine how much energy is lost between the generator and the region reference node in each state, and the changes in the new MLF forecasts were primarily driven by changes in availability due to the closure of Liddell, revised return to service dates for Callide C, revised demand forecasts, and the increased penetration of solar and wind generation into the grid.

The lower MLFs impact the amount of revenue generators can make, and many of the intermittent generators have been impacted by changes to the grid and the closure of thermal generators. The location of renewable generation is becoming increasingly important for the success of a project, with unfavourable MLFs potentially reducing the revenue for generators and impacting the renewable energy available to the market.

While a 3% drop in solar farm generation may not seem significant, some solar farms in the New England region have experienced drops that are greater than this. These changes can affect the success of a project and reduce the renewable energy available to the market, potentially leaving end-users with less renewable energy than they signed up for. The final MLF assessment from AEMO underscores the importance of carefully considering the location of renewable energy projects for successful implementation and revenue generation.

This is a summary article from Edge2020 – read the original article.

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